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Annual spring and summer watering restrictions begin April 1

(Photo provided by the City of Lubbock)

LUBBOCK, Texas (NEWS RELEASE) – The following is a news release from the City of Lubbock:

The City’s annual spring and summer irrigation restrictions become effective on Wednesday, April 1 and continue through September 30.

Watering Days and Times

Other Year-Round Restrictions

“We commend our customers for the significant amount of water they have conserved over the past decade. We ask that all residents and businesses continue to be considerate and efficient with their water usage this summer.  As we persist in our effort to conserve water and reduce overall demand, we can preserve our water supplies for many more decades to come.  Effective water conservation is a long-term continuous effort.”, said Aubrey Spear, Director of Water Utilities.  

(News release from the City of Lubbock)