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Annual Texas Tech State Employee Charitable Campaign Kicks Off

Texas Tech University will kick off the 2017 State Employee Charitable Campaign (SECC) at 3:30 p.m. Wednesday (Sept. 6). The event will take place in the Red Raider Ballroom of the Student Union Building, and Texas Tech President Lawrence Schovanec will speak at 4 p.m.

“The SECC benefits more than 125 local nonprofits within our campaign area,” said Ashley Ammons, the campaign division director with Lubbock Area United Way. “It is the only way state employees can donate to charity through payroll deduction.”

Texas Tech has participated in the SECC for the past 24 years, with Red Raiders contributing millions of dollars to more than 1,300 charities statewide. Twenty-four local nonprofit organizations and agencies in the West Texas campaign area will be represented at the campaign kickoff event.

“SECC is a convenient process that allows the Texas Tech community to give back to organizations that provide valuable resources to those in need,” Schovanec said. “Our employees have always shown their generosity in the past, and the Texas Tech family welcomes the opportunity to support the broader Lubbock and South Plains communities.”

Last year, Texas Tech raised $432,794, with the Texas Tech University System raising an additional $49,859 and the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center raising an additional $307,088. The Greater West Texas area raised more than $1,063,000.

This year, Ammons said the goal for Texas Tech is $442,794, which will contribute to the West Texas campaign goal of $1,084,058.

Pledges can be submitted via an online form or in person on a paper form. Texas Tech SECC coordinator Jessica Carrillo said beginning Friday (Sept. 1), a new website for Texas Tech employees will be available at www.secc.app.texastech.edu.

“It will be a one-stop shop where they can complete the pledge form and get information on donation levels, the agencies involved and campaign events,” Carrillo said. “The new website is extremely user-friendly.”

The charities available range in size and cause, but all must adhere to strict legal requirements and be reviewed by state employee teams to ensure:

  1. They are recognized by the IRS as 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations and registered with the Secretary of State.
  2. They are audited (or reviewed) annually by an accountant in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards.
  3. They provide direct or indirect health and human services.
  4. They spend no more than 25 percent of funds raised on administration and fundraising unless they qualify for a one-year exception due to special circumstances.

Donations vary and can be made as one-time gifts, a percentage of the giver’s annual salary or as a monthly pledge. Each donor has the opportunity to win a variety of door prizes based on their pledge level and employees are encouraged to give an amount they feel is appropriate to their budget.

“SECC allows state employees to give to any charity of their choice,” Carrillo said. “You have the option to choose an organization you would like to donate to either statewide or locally. By giving, employees can impact so many lives along with working together to make a difference in our community.”

Visit the SECC website for more information.

Jessica Carrillo, university State Employee Charitable Campaign coordinator, Rawls College of Business, Texas Tech University (806) 834-1312 or jessica.carrillo@ttu.edu

(News release from Texas Tech University