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Austin-area HS donates over $5,000 to Estacado band

LUBBOCK, Texas – An Austin-area high school band has donated $5,200 to the Estacado High School band.

Back in October, the Vista Ridge marching band watched a performance by the Estacado Matador marching band at a Bands of America competition in Midland. Students and parents from Vista Ridge said they were “amazed and inspired” by Estacado’s group, even though there just over 30 members.

“It was humbling,” said Estacado band director Jacob Faske.

When the Vista Ridge students returned to Central Texas, they decided they wanted to help the Estacado band financially by raising money for the band through multiple bake sales and fundraisers.

“Doesn’t matter what your story is,” said Faske. “Band, music, and marching band brings so many stories together.”

Faske said with the donation, he hopes the band can purchase a trailer to transport their equipment. Estacado is the band in Lubbock Independent School District without a trailer.