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Bailey County reports first 2 COVID-19 cases this weekend

(Nexstar Media Group/EverythingLubbock.com Staff)

MULESHOE, Texas (NEWS RELEASE) — The following is a news release from the Bailey County and the City of Muleshoe:

On May 2, 2020, The City of Muleshoe and Bailey County were notified of the first two positive Covid-19 tests of individuals residing in our County. As is standard procedure, Texas Department of State Health Services (“DSHS”) as well as local officials are and will be working to investigate these cases. Everything is being done that can and should be done to identify other individuals who may have been exposed.

This news should not come as a surprise to anyone and this is not the time for anyone to panic. All of our surrounding counties have already been experiencing positive Covid-19 cases and your local officials, both County and City, have been preparing for this very instance and are activating plans that have been in place for weeks. We encourage all citizens to continue to follow the social distancing and other safety measures laid out by state and local officials in the previous days and weeks. Additionally, we encourage anyone who is contacted by DSHS to cooperate fully and give them any information you might have in order to make sure we can find all people who might have been exposed. If you are asked by DSHS or any local official to self-quarantine, we ask that you please do so.

While limited information is available at this time, we can tell you that Muleshoe Area Medical Center has conducted three positive tests, all related to workers at Track Dairy located East of Muleshoe on Highway 84. Of those three, two are Bailey County Residents. For privacy reasons we are unable to release the names of the individuals who tested positive. Track Dairy is cooperating fully with state and local officials to track down and isolate anyone who might have been exposed. If you believe you may have been exposed to any of these individuals or have recently worked at or visited Track Dairy we ask that you call your local health provider to determine if you meet the qualifications to get tested. At this time we have no reason to believe that we are experiencing a large outbreak in Muleshoe or Bailey County. But in line with our responsibilities to do everything possible to protect the citizens of Muleshoe and Bailey County we want to make sure that anyone who feels they need to be tested and meets the qualifications to be tested, has the opportunity to do so.

We will continue to update citizens as more information becomes available. In the meantime, we ask everyone to continue to do exactly what you have been doing. This means social distancing, washing your hands, wearing face masks if you feel it is necessary, and most importantly, not going to work or out in public if you are sick or have any symptoms. Continue to take care of your families, check on your neighbors, and we will all get through this together.

(News release from the Bailey County and the City of Muleshoe)

EverythingLubbock.com continues ongoing coverage of coronavirus (COVID-19) recovery efforts in Lubbock and the South Plains