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Boys & Girls Club Members Attend Kohl’s Child Spree for Back to School Clothes

The Lubbock Boys & Girls Club will take 70 of its members to Kohl’s for a Back to School Shopping Spree on Wednesday, August 23rd at 8:00 AM before the store opens. Each of the members will be matched up with a chaperone to help them shop for their $100 of Back to School clothes. Each child will also receive a back pack with school supplies as well as breakfast after they shop. Chaperones consist of Board of Directors and other volunteers throughout the community. The parents of these members are not allowed to attend this event because we want our kids to buy what they want to wear and in the colors that they want. Parents fill out a permission form for each child attending that has all of the child’s sizes on it. These children are thrilled to attend this special event because everyone likes to start the new school year with new clothes.

The Boys & Girls Club of Lubbock has done the Child Spree for the past 21 years and literally hundreds of children have participated over the years. The program started at Mervyn’s and then moved over to Kohl’s a few years ago. The majority of the funding is provided by Kohl’s for this program and the Lubbock Lions Club provides some additional help.

The Boys & Girls Clubs of Lubbock operates four Clubs with three in Lubbock and one in Shallowater. The Club locations are as follows: Ted Phea Branch – 1801 E. 24th St., Optimist Branch – 3301 Cornell, John Wilson Branch – 3221 59th Street and the Shallowater Branch – 1100 Ave. K. The membership fee for the school year is a one time fee of $10.00 and a member can come every day after school. Club hours are from 3:00 – 7:00 PM in Lubbock and 3:00 – 6:00 PM in Shallowater. For additional information about the Clubs you can contact the Administrative Office at 792-2880.

(News release from the Boys & Girls Club of Lubbock)