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Carpet Tech to Cook Lunch for the Lubbock Police Department Wednesday

Carpet Tech will be cooking and providing lunch for the Lubbock Police Department from 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. on Wednesday, September 20. The cookout will be hosted in the parking lot located at 9th and Ave. K.

This is the 2nd annual cookout that Carpet Tech is hosting for the Lubbock Police Department. “We are so thankful for the work that the Lubbock Police Department does for our community to help keep us safe” said Chet Pharies, owner of Carpet Tech. “We recognize the sacrifice that the police and their families make on a daily basis so this is our way of saying thank you” said Pharies.

Carpet Tech plans to continue this tradition that they started in 2016 for as long as they can. “Of all the events that we cook for, this is one of our favorites” said Stephanie Henderson, Director of Operations at Carpet Tech “it’s all about being able to look our local police force and their family in the eye and give a genuine thank you and we hope to have the opportunity to do so for years to come” said Henderson.

Carpet Tech will be serving brisket and sides. All Lubbock Police Department employees and their immediate families are invited and encouraged to stop by for this come and go complimentary lunch.

(News release from Carpet Tech)