This is a news release from the City of Lubbock

The City of Lubbock has confirmed two additional cases of novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) as of 4:00 p.m. on March 24, 2020.  The total number of cases in Lubbock County is 14. In addition to the reported Lubbock cases there have also been reported cases on the South Plains. The City of Lubbock Health Department and other response agencies are prepared and have employed standard response plans designed to address and resolve public health issues. The Department will continue monitoring individuals as indicated by the CDC. The Department’s disease surveillance team will continue working diligently to ensure the public remains at a low risk of contracting COVID-19.  

The City of Lubbock Health Department and our health care partners will continue to monitor COVID-19 in the Lubbock area to prepare for the possibility of more local cases. Please continue to follow proper hygiene recommendations and social distancing practices.

(Press release from the City of Lubbock)

Report Date __Age__ Exposure County of Residence Investigation Status
3/17/2020 15-25 Travel out of country Lubbock Complete
3/18/2020 40-50 Travel out of country Lubbock Complete
3/20/2020 30-40 Travel out of country Lubbock Complete
3/20/2020 15-25 Community Acquired Lubbock Complete
3/21/2020 40-50 Travel out of country Lubbock Complete
3/21/2020 40-50 Exposure to known case Lubbock Complete
3/21/2020 50-60 Community Acquired Lubbock Complete
3/21/2020 20-30 Exposure to known case Lubbock Complete
3/22/2020 Over 60 Exposure to known case Lubbock Complete
3/22/2020 20-30 Exposure to known Case Lubbock Complete
3/24/2020 20-30 Ongoing Lubbock Ongoing
3/24/2020 30-40 Ongoing Lubbock Ongoing
3/24/2020 15-25 Exposure to known case Lubbock Complete
3/24/2020 50-60 Exposure to known case Lubbock Complete