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City of Lubbock preparing for mosquito season

Following rain earlier in the week, the City of Lubbock Vector Control is getting ahead of mosquitoes by using their spray trucks to kill mosquito larvae.

Steve Boston, the coordinator for Vector Control, said the spray flies more than 300 feet into the air, reaching homes and parks nearby.

“This type of site right here will have larvae activity probably within the next four to five days,” Boston said.

Boston said this is an important time to spray because the rain is still fresh. He said when water has been standing, it becomes a hot-spot for mosquitoes.

“These types of sites, even if this was on your own playa lake, one of the things you can do is get in there, when it is drying up and use a shredder, mow it down or use your lawn mower mow it down so that when you do get a rain event then it rises backup it’s not standing it’s not standing in real tall, dense vegetation that essentially helps mosquitoes develop,” Boston said.

Boston said some ways to avoid mosquitoes is by getting rid of standing water in dog bowls and pools, cleaning out gutters and using mosquito dunks.

If you notice mosquitoes in your neighborhood, you can call the City of Lubbock at 3-1-1