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City to Host Open House on LP&L Rates, Other Issues

The City of Lubbock will host an open house on two different dates to talk about Lubbock Power and Light rates, meter reading and other topics.

“Join us at an open house to meet city utilities staff, ask questions about your utility services and share feedback,” LP&L said on Facebook. 

LP&L also said, “Representatives from City of Lubbock water, wastewater, stormwater and solid waste services and Lubbock Power & Light electric service will be on hand to listen, learn and help.”

Topics will include customer service, electric rates, water and wastewater rates, stormwater and solid waste rates, and meter reading.  LP&L said savings, efficiency and planning for the future would also be discussed.

The first event is Saturday August 26 from 10:00 am – 1:00 pm at Jane Ann Miller Elementary, 6705 Joliet Drive.  Another will be August 29 from 5:30 – 8:30 pm at Joan Y. Ervin Elementary School, 1802 E 28th Street.

Click Here for the event page on August 26.

Click Here for the event page on August 29.