LUBBOCK, Texas — The Lubbock County Commissioners Court on Monday postponed an item called the Lubbock County Transparency Policy.

The Honorable Curtis Parrish made the motion to table after a short discussion in the commissioners court meeting.

“The state’s given us guidelines on what we can and can’t release,” said Commissioner Jason Corley. “We’re moving within it.”

But for Corley, just doing the minimum under state law has not been enough.

“It’s time to stop that. We’ve made a concern here to withhold information,” Corley said.

There was some pushback from other commissioners, including Commissioner Gilbert Flores.

“I just don’t know anything we’re holding back,” he added. “ I think we’ve been cooperative with all of the citizens. We need to be transparent? Honestly I think we already are.”

When Flores asked for an example of when information was withheld, Corley said the Expo Center contract information. Flores responded and said he did hold back pictures, and that he did not want them released to the public just yet.

“The location’s been publicly discussed,” said Corley. “I just want it make it our policy that anything we discuss should be released to the public.”

Parrish said that there are exemptions to the Texas Open Records request code. For example, he said requesting from the Attorney General in order to release certain material is to make sure it falls under an exemption or it doesn’t.

Corley added that regardless, when it comes to basic information requested from the citizens, that none of it should be withheld.

“I am all for open government,” Parrish said. “I want a government that’s open. I will make sure that it remains open and transparent and we will abide by the fundamental policies of the Texas Information Act. If someone shows me we aren’t abiding by those policies, then we need to know about it.”

A date for reconsideration was not yet given.