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Covenant Health Brings GoNoodle to Lubbock Area Schools

Covenant Health is sponsoring a new initiative to get elementary students more physically active. More than 34,000 children in 83 elementary schools in the Lubbock area have the opportunity to move more with GoNoodle videos that activate kids’ bodies and brains.
Covenant Health is underwriting the cost of GoNoodle’s online movement and mindfulness videos for all elementary schools in Lubbock, Hale and Hockley counties through the 2017 – 2020 school year. GoNoodle helps teachers make learning active by getting kids running, jumping, dancing and stretching, and practicing moments of mindfulness right next to their desks. Research shows use of GoNoodle improves student academic performance, behavior and childhood health.
Karen Thornton, principal of Waters Elementary School, said, “Students learn the best when they are fully engaged in classroom activities. Go Noodle has helped increase classroom engagement, productivity and positive behavior by giving students the opportunity to engage in purposeful movement and song using technology. The activities reinforce learning, provide physical activity and the “brain breaks” necessary for students to increase academic achievement.”
“Covenant’s partnership with GoNoodle is another example of our efforts to improve the health of our community based on our ministry of healing,” said, Richard Parks, President/CEO of Covenant Health. “This partnership also helps fulfill the goals of the Mayor’s Fitness Council. This is a special day as we have the chance to improve the health and well-being of children in our region.”
GoNoodle has hundreds of movement and mindfulness videos with a gamified element to motivate and inspire kids while helping teachers create a great classroom environment. The premium version, GoNoodle Plus, includes additional videos and games that bring movement and core subjects together to develop fluency in grade-specific math, science and English Language Arts topics. Courtesy of Covenant Health, elementary teachers and parents in Lubbock, Hale, and Hockley counties will have free access to GoNoodle Plus by signing up at gonoodle.com.
With GoNoodle Plus, teachers have the ability to customize content, which further supports their lesson plans and academic goals of the classroom. To use GoNoodle, teachers need to have a computer with an Internet connection and a shared screen such as a projector or interactive whiteboard. At home, parents and their children can create and customize their accounts and move along with GoNoodle videos online, on mobile, or on Apple TV.
“As classroom teachers, GoNoodle Plus has been a great way to incorporate content questions and physical activity into the classroom,” said Stephany McDougal, second-grade teacher at Waters Elementary School. “Participating in GoNoodle is a highlight for the students.”
Another second-grade teacher at Waters Elementary, Kayla Cole, agreed. “We use GoNoodle Plus for transitions between subjects, brain breaks throughout the day, and inside recess. We appreciate Covenant Health for their generosity and support for our students’ success.”
According to the CDC, only one-quarter of today’s youth meet the current recommendation of at least 60 minutes of physical activity per day. GoNoodle, together with Covenant Health and the school districts, is making the connection between movement, mindfulness and better learning, while helping Lubbock area students earn vital minutes of physical activity with entertaining experiences.

About Covenant Health
Covenant Health has served for almost 100 years as the only faith-based integrated health network in the West Texas, eastern New Mexico region providing a Christian healing ministry. Covenant’s network includes six hospitals, more than 1,000 licensed beds, more than 5,000 employees, 97 primary care providers, a medical staff of more than 600 physicians at its cornerstone facilities, and a regionally based health plan – FirstCare — offering high-quality affordable healthcare coverage. To learn more about Covenant Health, please visit covenanthealth.org.
About Lubbock ISD
Lubbock ISD serves a diverse population, providing educational opportunities for all students, while recognizing their diverse interests, needs, cultures and career goals. The district has built credibility and trust with community partners and parents through transparency and putting the best interest of Lubbock ISD students as the primary focus. Lubbock ISD serves every child, every day.
About GoNoodle
GoNoodle (launched in 2013), gets kids moving to be their smartest, strongest, bravest, silliest, bestest selves. Short, interactive movement videos and games make it awesomely simple and fun to incorporate movement into every part of the day with dancing, stretching, running and mindfulness activities. At school, teachers use GoNoodle to keep students energized, engaged, and active inside the classroom. At home, GoNoodle turns screen time into active time, so families can have fun and get moving together. Currently, more than 12 million kids and over 600,000 teachers worldwide use GoNoodle each month. GoNoodle is used in 80% of U.S. public elementary schools in all 50 states and in schools around the world in 185 countries. Nearly 1.5 million families use GoNoodle at home either through the website or the recently released iPhone and Apple TV apps. Learn more at www.gonoodle.com.

(News release from Covenant Health)