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Doorbell cam captures snake bite strike man’s face

Jerel Haywood walked into his friend’s house when a snake came out of nowhere and bit him on the face on Sunday. Although the snake was not venomous, this was quite a shock for everyone at the house.

When Jerel Haywood visited Rodney Copeland’s house Sunday, he didn’t expect the surprise he got when he opened the door.

“Came back and I was on the porch,” Haywood said. “Made sure the door was locked, I turned around to make sure the door was locked. So when I turned around and then went to open the door. That’s when the snake came and got me.”

The snake was wrapped around a porch lamp when it struck.

“It bit me right around my eyelid. Right here,” Haywood said. “I’m not a snake lover, never have been, never will be—to me a snake is a snake. Poisonous or not, it’s a snake. My first words: take me to the hospital.”

When it first happened Copeland didn’t think Haywood actually needed help and was playing a joke.

“I thought he was playing at first cause he called my name,” Copeland said. “I thought he was playin’. I was in that room, and then I saw he was serious. So me and my wife, after the guy next door came and took care of  the snake, I took him to the hospital.”

Even though the bite was shocking, Haywood said he is recovering well.

“I’m doing good. I’m doing good,” Haywood said. “I took my antibiotics. The swelling went down. It’s a little sore. but I’m doing good.”

Just a few days after the incident, Copeland and Haywood are already laughing about it.

Haywood added he will definitely be on the lookout for snakes wherever he goes now.

News organizations across the U.S. have shown and posted the startling video.,