Lubbock Fire Rescue was called to the report of an explosion inside a house in the 3300 block of 76th Street.
Two workers were inside painting. The homeowner was also inside, but she was not injured. Neighbors reported hearing an explosion before 2:15 pm Tuesday.
University Medical Center said late Tuesday afternoon that both workers were listed in critical condition.
LFR Chief Steve Holland said firefighters were working to stabilize a wall in the house. Holland said after the explosion there was a fire which was put out quickly.
Holland said one worker was burned and the other was “severely burned.” The office of fire marshal was called to investigate.
Holland said the exact cause was not yet known but typically in a situation like this, lacquer fumes found an ignition source. Natural gas was already cut off so Holland said that would not likely be the cause.
Holland said there should be no further danger to the neighborhood except for the risk the house collapsing. will provide updates when possible.