A chaotic scene Sunday, an O’Donnell couple, Sara and Johan Bergen died in a car crash. However, the young man they hit did everything he could to save lives.

That man made a frantic phone call to his uncle, a paramedic, who gathered the whole family and raced out of the house to help.

As soon as they got to the scene, they began performing CRP on the three young children.

The Benavidez family was sitting around the dinner table when the phone rang.

“I recruited my family and they all jumped in cars and raced down here,” said Peter Benavidez.

Benavidez is a volunteer EMT in Borden County.

“I’ve seen it before because I am on EMS but you never get used to it, when we got here we knew it was serious,” Benavidez said.

A scene like this is something he never imagined his 17-year-old son would see.

“I was really proud of my son because it’s not many 17 year old’s that can step into a situation with what we were facing that day and perform chest compressions and CPR,” Benavidez said.

Keigen was calm, cool and collected the entire time, taking charge and instructing his cousins how to help save the lives of Corny, Pancho and Johnny Bergan. Those three boys are recovering at UMC.