IDALOU, Texas — Former Idalou Police Officer Miguel Guerrero Jr., 25, was the subject of an arrest warrant and booked into the Lubbock County Detention Center on Wednesday.  Guerrero was charged with two counts of aggravated assault by a public servant. 

The warrant said in August 2018, Guerrero asked another officer to come to his house in the middle of the night. The warrant said Guerrero had two men on the ground at gunpoint.

Audio recordings were made of the incident including an iPhone recording.  The arrest warrant indicated Guerrero threatened to kill the men even after they were handcuffed.

At one point in the incident, the warrant said Guerrero pulled one man’s hair and pointed a gun at his head while he was on the ground and in handcuffs.  The second Idalou Police Officer later told Texas Rangers that the men were “compliant and were not being disrespectful.” 

After-the-fact, the second officer told Rangers that “he would have handled it differently and would not have threatened the males like IPD officer Guerrero did, especially since they were already handcuffed.”

Lubbock County Sheriff’s Deputies were also called to Guerrero’s residence for the same incident. Deputies were told that Guerrero was having a relationship with another man’s girlfriend. 

That other man and a relative showed up at Guerrero’s house, the warrant said.  Guerrero’s story is that the man came into his house, so he grabbed his gun and said, “Police. Get on the ground.”

Guerrero ordered both men on the ground.  

Guerrero admitted, according to the warrant, that he told the man, “Listen, mother-f***er, if you ever come to my house, I will f***ing kill you.”

Guerrero admitted, according to the warrant, that once he said “police, stop” the two men did stop, and no longer tried to do anything else.  But Guerrero continued to threaten them at gunpoint.

Audio recording indicated Guerrero was screaming multiple threats like, “I will blow your g****m head off!  Do you understand that?”  

The warrant said Guerrero threatened both men that he would put his gun in their mouths and blow off their heads.  The warrant also said when Guerrero discovered there was an iPhone recording of the incident he whispered to another officer to get rid of it.

But Texas Rangers did get the phone and did recover the recording.

Other than to say Guerrero is no longer an officer, Idalou Police had no comment. 

An arrest warrant was issued on Wednesday.  Guerrero was able to post a $15,000 bond to get out of jail.