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Friends of the Lubbock Public Library hosting annual Winter Book Sale, Dec. 6-7

(Friends of the Lubbock Public Library)

LUBBOCK, Texas (NEWS RELEASE) – The following is a news release from the Friends of the Lubbock Public Library:

Friends of the Lubbock Public Library (FOL), announces its annual Winter Sale to be held December 6-7, 2019, 9AM – 5PM in the basement of Mahon Library, 1306 9th St., Lubbock, Texas.

The sale is open to the public. Cash, checks, credit and debit cards accepted.

Come to the Treasure Hunt at the Mahon. FOL receives donations of items weekly and newly received items have been sorted and added to our shelves. Lubbock Friends of the Library sales are one of the few places left where you can shop a basement full of books ready for the taking. Find surprises in every subject section. Do not forget to explore the Better Books and Best Books for amazing buys for Christmas gifts for all. Come and find hidden treasures in each and every section!

What a great opportunity to Christmas shop for everyone on your list, and have a one-stop-shopping experience, EARLY! Areas include Children’s, young adult, fiction and non-fiction, Comics and Manga, DVDs and CDs, and jigsaw puzzles galore for gifts and all those family gatherings.

Gift ideas abound in our Southwest/Texana Collection in Better Books, which include any and everything related to Texas and the Southwest. Topics cover Native Americans, cowboy lore, western and political history, tall tales, and true stories. This section also includes Texas yearbooks, almanacs, county histories, fiction by Texas authors, as well as coffee table books, atlases and maps.

The Best Books Department contains many books published in 2019. This section also has an excellent selection of high quality items suitable for gifts at excellent prices, remember Christmas is just around the corner!

At checkout don’t forget the grab bags at only $1, you never know what surprises are contained in those bags that might become great stocking stuffers!

Friends of the Lubbock Public Library Inc, is a non-profit organization supporting, promoting and benefiting the Lubbock Public Library system and the Lubbock area community. It was incorporated in 1967 and held the first book sale in 1968. Books are also sold online at AbeBooks.com and Ebay.com. Lubbock FOL is staffed 100% by volunteers. Donations can be placed in storage sheds at 82nd & Frankford, 5520 19th, and 5034 Frankford anytime. We also have collection bins inside each of the libraries during regular business hours.

(Poster provided by the Friends of the Lubbock Public Library)

(News release from the Friends of the Lubbock Public Library)