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HPWD board adopts revised 10-year management plan

(Photo provided by High Plains Underground Water Conservation District No. 1.)

LUBBOCK, Texas (NEWS RELEASE) – The following is a news release from the High Plains High Plains Underground Water Conservation District No. 1:

Following a Sept. 10 public hearing, the High Plains Underground Water Conservation District (HPWD) Board of Directors unanimously approved a resolution adopting a revised 10-year management plan.

The revised plan has been submitted to the Texas Water Development Board in Austin for final certification.

“Groundwater conservation districts (GCDs) in Texas adopt 10-year management plans. However, they are required by state law to review and re-adopt these plans–with or without revisions–at least once every five years. The newly-adopted management plan covers the period from 2019 to 2024,” said HPWD General Manager Jason Coleman.

He added that management plans contain specific performance standards pertaining to services provided by the respective GCDs across the state.

“As an example, groundwater conservation districts make annual water level measurements in observation wells each year. Performance standards in a district’s management plan will include the number of wells measured each year; the number of wells unable to be measured each year; the number of new wells added to the observation well network each year; and how these data are shared with the public. This helps GCDs gauge the effectiveness of programs and activities they provide to their constituents,” Coleman said.

The amended 2019-2024 HPWD management plan is available for viewing at www.hpwd.org/rules

Be sure to “like” the High Plains Water District Facebook page to receive updates on district activities or follow us on Twitter at @HPUWCD.

Created in 1951 by local residents and the Texas Legislature, the High Plains Water District works to conserve, preserve, protect, and prevent waste of underground water in aquifers within its 16-county service area. HPWD is the first groundwater conservation district created in Texas.

(News release from the High Plains High Plains Underground Water Conservation District No. 1)