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Institutional Diversity Hosts First Difficult Dialogues Discussion of the Semester

The Texas Tech University Cross-Cultural Academic Advancement Center (CCAAC) is partnering with Mentor Tech to host a panel discussion, “Pillow Talk,” for the first spring installment of the Difficult Dialogues series. The discussion will take place on Thursday (Feb 9) from 5:30-7 p.m. in the Education Building, Room 001.

The four panelists will lead an open discussion about creating a healthy relationship and avoiding unhealthy ones. The topic falls under the overall theme for the academic year, “How to be a Champion: Leadership, Community and Progression.”

The panel members are:

“The most important thing about the Difficult Dialogues series is the interaction and the ability to discuss with another individual,” said Ruben Lopez, CCAAC unit coordinator. “That is one of our biggest hopes: that students and audience members have an open discussion about a topic without being aggressively argumentative. It teaches students to be constructive and open-minded during discussions.”

The Difficult Dialogues series has taken place at Texas Tech since 2011. The program is a national initiative launched by the Ford Foundation. The goal of the program is to enhance the intellectual atmosphere and create opportunities for open, difficult discussions throughout the campus. The purpose is not to change people’s beliefs but rather develop models for dialogue based on mutual respect and tolerance.

Other installments of the series are scheduled throughout the semester. The March 7th topic is “Constitutional Carry” and the April 4th topic is “Women in Military Selective Service.” Times and locations will be announced prior to the events.

(News release from Texas Tech University)