Yvette Hernandez interviewed on KLBK Bright & Early about the Jac’s Room 2nd Annual Suicide Awareness and Prevention Concert.

The concert is sponsored by and will be held at Across the Way Baptist Church, located at 3806 East Auburn from 5:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. on Thurs. Aug. 29. The concert is also sponsored by other local businesses and groups, including Betenbough Homes.

The Lubbock community is invited to take part in free games, food and door prizes. A balloon release and candlelight vigil will be held in honor of Jacqueline Hernandez, who passed away on Aug. 12, 2018.

More information can be found by visiting the non-profit’s Facebook page. Donations can be made at paypal.me/jacsroom.

If you or someone you know has thoughts of suicide, you can call the National Suicide Prevention Lifelife toll-free at 1-800-273-TALK.