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James Holland pleads guilty in murder of special needs girl

The office of Lubbock County Criminal District Attorney said on Tuesday that James Holland pleaded guilty to capital murder for the death of Holli Jeffcoat, 18.  

Jeffcoat was found dead in a home in Northeast Lubbock County in February 2016. Jeffcoat had been described by officials as a special needs student.  Prior to her murder, she made an outcry to officials at her school that she was sexually abused by Holland. 

Jeffcoat was pregnant at the time of her murder. 

Her mother, Debi Bryant Holland, was initially charged in the case with sexual assault — not for directly sexually abusing the girl but rather for facilitating James Holland in abusing her. Later, Debi was charged with capital murder. 

James Holland was also indicted for sexually abusing another girl in the same family. 

This is a breaking news story, Please check back for updates.

The following is a statement from the Lubbock County CDA: 

This afternoon James Holland pled guilty to Capital Murder in the 137th District Court of Lubbock County. He was sentenced to Capital Life in Prison Without the possibility of parole. Due to the still pending cases related to this investigation, the District Attorney’s Office will be unable to answer any additional questions at this point in time.

“We are pleased that this Defendant accepted responsibility and pled guilty to the Capital Life Without Parole sentence. Justice in this case not only includes ensuring that this Defendant dies in prison, but hope that the living victim gains new life with this outcome.”

K. Sunshine Stanek, Lubbock County Criminal District Attorney

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