LUBBOCK, Texas — On Thursday, a concerned citizen notified that several dogs were in a runoff playa lake near 66th and University.
Michael Maxwell, said both adults and puppies were stuck in the fenced-in area, and one of the female dogs was pregnant.
“I’m not going to watch an animal suffer,” Maxwell said. “I have two dogs, I’m a dog lover.”
Maxwell said out of concern for the dog’s health, he began feeding the dogs a few times a week.
“The best case scenario would be to have a plan to go in there and capture these dogs and put them in a shelter,” Maxwell said.
After receiving permission from the owners of the private property, Lubbock Animal Services was able to get inside and survey the area.
Lead Officer for Lubbock Animal Services, Pete Ortiz, said unfortunately it’s not uncommon to see problems like this.
“In some areas — dependent on what part of town you’re in,” Ortiz said. “There will be issues like this, I don’t think they’re as drastic as this one.”
After hours of working to catch the dogs, Ortiz said they set up a trap and caught one of the puppies.
“We’re going to monitor it day and night.” Ortiz said. “My on call officers will be notified as to where the trap is, and we’re going to continue until we get this resolved.”