LUBBOCK, Texas — Lubbock Fire Rescue’s “Critical Incident Stress Team,” has returned from Odessa, after helping first responders get back on their feet following the deadly shooting that took seven lives.

Steve Holland, division chief of Lubbock Fire & Rescue, said helping the firefighters deal with the aftermath of the shooting was at the top of their list of priorities.

“Mental health is a huge aspect of what we need to be doing in order to take care of our guys,” Holland said. “Not everyone can process things the same, and every one of us has a memory that we still have to deal with.”

According to LFR, despite the difficulties first responders may be facing now, in the midst of the shooting they did exactly what they were supposed to do. Now, preparations are being made in Lubbock, should the unimaginable ever happen here.

“At this point, we have to think it’s inevitable,” said Lieutenant Matt McGinnis. “We have to see this as something that is going to happen, so we can be best prepared, and know how to handle something so awful.”