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LPD provides sketch of Money Stop robbery suspect

LUBBOCK, Texas (NEWS RELEASE) – The following is a news release from the Lubbock Police Department:

Lubbock Police Department is asking for the public’s help in identifying and locating a subject involved in an aggravated robbery that occurred shortly after 7 a.m. Dec. 26 at Money Stop, located at 4201 Ave. Q. A sketch of the suspect has been created to aid in identification.

The subject, a Hispanic male, entered the business wearing a gray jacket with the hood pulled over his head. After following a Money Stop employee around the store, the subject followed her behind the counter, demanded money from the register and partially pulled a handgun from his pocket to threaten the employee. After the employee gave the suspect money from the register, the suspect left.

Anyone who sees the subject or has information on his whereabouts should call 911. People may also use Crime Line at 806-741-1000. Crime Line callers can remain anonymous. A $1,000 reward is being offered for the identity of the suspect.

(Photo provided by the Lubbock Police Department)

(News release from the Lubbock Police Department)