As summer continues, the Lubbock Police Department warns individuals they see a spike in car break-ins during this time.

According to police, when it comes to a person’s vehicle, make sure to pay special attention to the basics. Especially like locking car doors and not leaving the keys inside. 

Jerry Torres, an investigator of the property crimes and theft division, said it’s common to see a spike during the summer months.

“Basically when school releases, I believe it’s because kids have a little more time on their hands, maybe a little restless, so they find themselves out and about checking door handles, and looking for an easy way in to a vehicle,” Torres said.

He said thieves like to go for an easy target.

According to LPD, last year, more than 130 vehicles that were left running and unattended were stolen. 

Torres said to make sure to take out any item of value from the car, especially things like guns.

In the last three years, LPD says more than 1,100 guns have been stolen out of vehicles.

He says more than anything, keeping guns out of vehicles could prevent another crime from happening.

To check on crime in a nearby neighborhood, make sure to take a look at the City of Lubbock crime map: