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Lubbock detective tells his story of encounter with a national serial killer

LUBBOCK, Texas — Investigators across the country have been able to pin Samuel Little to more than 60 murders. Little is known for having a phenomenal memory when it comes to the details of his victims and where he killed them.

Lubbock is no exception.

Detectives with the Metropolitan Special Crimes Unit flew out to the California state prison where Little is held to interview him.

Related Story: LPD releases more details about their case against serial killer Samuel Little and the murder of a Lubbock woman

Brandon Price, one of the two detectives on that trip, said Little’s memory was a key component in connecting him to the 1993 murder of Bobbie Fields.

“He remembered everything like a photographic memory,” Price said.

Samuel Little’s memory has been noted by more than just Price, however.

According to a report by the FBI’s Violent Criminal Apprehension Program (ViCAP), Little remembers his victims and the killings in great detail, including where he was and what car he was driving at the time.

Price said at one point in the interview, Little spontaneously brought up the vehicle he was driving around the time of Fields’ murder. That car – a yellow Cadillac – matched the car witnesses said Fields entered shortly before her death.

The sketch Little drew of Fields versus a picture of fields released by LPD.

Price also said that once they showed Little the flyer of the victim with his sketch included, he began to describe changes to his initial sketch.

“When he basically described the differences between that drawing that he did and the photo that we had of Bobbie Fields, he was literally describing her,” he said.

Price said Little and Fields did not know each other for long prior to her death.

Interim Police Chief Jerry Brewer said his pattern was distinguishable.

“Mr. Little’s pattern was meet them for a day or couple days and then he was done,” he said.

Little was a traveler, Brewer said.

“When he commits a murder or commits a transgression against the law, when he bonds out [of jail], he moves to another place,” he said.

Price said getting the answers they needed from Little was not simple.

“He’s extremely big on respect,” Price said.

He said Little would shut down if respect was not shown or certain lines were crossed.

“He has certain triggers he doesn’t like,” he said. “If you refer to him certain ways, it makes it a very unproductive interview, and sometimes it can end.”

Price said it was like navigating a minefield, trying to make sure nothing wrong was said that would set him off.

“He doesn’t feel remorse,” he said. “He speaks in general about topics. He’s looking at you, but its almost like he’s looking through you.”