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Lubbock husband hasn’t seen wife in retirement home for several days

LUBBOCK, Texas — Tuesday marks four days since Martin Salazar has seen his wife, Andrea Salazar. Amid coronavirus concerns, several nursing homes are not allowing visitors.

The couple has been married for more than 66 years. They’ve raised six children together, but due to her health, Andrea has been living at the Garrison Geriatric Education and Care Center for several months.

“I love her to death,” Salazar said.

He said he misses his wife, and would visit her twice a day.

“Once at 9:30 and again at 3:30,” Salazar said.

With the spread of the coronavirus, however, that has changed.

“I don’t know how long this virus is going to go but they’re not going to let us in until further notice,” Salazar said.

Garrison is not the only facility to hold off on visitors, several homes have also followed suit. In the mean time, he said he calls his wife as much as he can.

“We got cell phones. She’s got hers and I got mine,” Salazar said.

Salazar said he understands it’s important for his health, too, so he stays inside.

“Myself in here with me and my daughter so I’m okay,” Salazar said.

He said he trusts the staff, and knows they are concerned for all the residents.

“They’re taking care of her and all that,” Salazar said.

Because even during the hard times, Salazar understands–loving someone means making sacrifices.

“I can manage because as long as she’s doing okay and I’m doing okay that’s the main thing. I would say I miss her but you know, as long as she’s in good health and they’re taking care of her and all that,” Salazar said.

Salazar added he also drops off gifts for his wife despite not being able to see her.