(The following is a news release from Lubbock ISD)

At this morning’s special called teleconference meeting of the Lubbock ISD Board of Trustees, an additional memorandum of understanding (MOU) was approved to provide childcare for employees of the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center (TTUHSC).

Accomodations for the new students will be at Miller Elementary School, where University Medical Center’s (UMC) child care center is already in operation. Lubbock ISD and UMC began operating the center on March 30 under a similar MOU. The district also began staffing a
child care center for employees of Covenant Health on April 1 at Ramirez Elementary School.

The childcare programs provide breakfast and lunch through Lubbock ISD, Aramark Corporation, and Durham Transportation’s COVID-19 meals program. Strict protocols are in place to promote social distancing. Everyone entering the school has their temperature taken before they
are allowed access and only approved childcare providers are allowed inside the building. No more than eight children and two adults are in a room to ensure compliance with social distancing requirements.

(This was a news release from Lubbock ISD)