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Lubbock Man Breaks World Record for Power-Lifting in His Weight Class

Cailer Woolam, 22,  of Lubbock broke a world record for power lifting in his weight class Saturday during a competition in Corpus Christi. 

Woolam lifted 400 kilograms (deadlift) which is 881.8 pounds.  That’s the most ever for someone in the 198-pound weight class.  As Woolam weighed in at 194 pounds in that competition, he deadlifted over 4.5 times his bodyweight. 

At the competition in Corpus Christi, Woolam’s best  squatting weight was 584 pounds and his best bench press was 429 pounds, leading to a total weight of 1895 pounds that day. 

His record-breaking deadlift was his ninth lift of the day.

“It was the hardest lift I ever did in my life, I fought through the lift,  I thought I was about to die, but I fought through and I did it,” Woolam said Monday. 

The United States Powerlifting Association hosted the event and Woolam’s lift was observed by three referees during the sanctioned event. USPA confirmed to EverythingLubbock.com Monday that Woolam is the world record holder in his weight class. 

According to information posted on powerliftingwatch.com, the previous record was set in 2014 by a man from Russia who lifted 395 kilos in the 198-pound weight class. 

Woolam was born and raised in Lubbock, he attended Lubbock Cooper High School. 

“I kind of just started [powerlifting] when I was 12 in my garage,” Woolam said.  “I really liked it.”

At that age Woolam thought to himself, “I’d like to do something with this someday.”

“I have competed at a national level.  Normally I just prefer to stay around Texas,” Woolam said.  “I do qualify to go to any meet I want to now.”

During the week, Woolam works out with the Lone Star Strength gym in Lubbock.  In general, he says he eats clean, often starting the day with eggs and then eating a high protein and carbs meal for lunch like tuna and rice. 

Woolam also works as a manager at a Lubbock Market Street grocery store. When he runs into customers at work some will ask him, “Oh, do you work out?” 

“Yeah, I do,” he said.  “Sometimes it stops there.” 

But sometimes customers will ask further and he tells them about his power-lifting. And sometimes, his co-workers will call on him for his strength. 

“If the bale ever falls off the pallet or anything I’ll hear over the intercom,  ‘Cailer come to the back room please,’ if someone needs help moving something, that’s kind of my thing,” Woolam said. 

“Most of the time these records are a once-in-a-lifetime thing for some people, they will usually only break a world record once, but I plan on this being the first of many,” Woolam said. 

He wants to beat his own record in the next competition he does. 

This year he also wants to break the deadlift record in the 220 pound  weight class, that record is currently 901 pounds. 

He said he’s currently ranked 3rd overall in the 198 weight class – which is more than just dead-lift. 

“At the end of the day it’s the same as everything else, it’s a goal, you have to put your life into it you have to do everything you need to to kind of get to where you’re at,” Woolam said. “You just have to believe in yourself, know what you’re doing, stay consistent.”

CLICK HERE to see a video on his Facebook page showing the record-breaking lift.