On Monday, EverythingLubbock.com acquired a copy of a memo from Lubbock Chief Medical Examiner Dr. Sam Andrews in which he accused County Commissioner Jason Corley of interfering with his office.
The memo was written on January 30 to the county judge, and Corley made a written response on Monday.
The office of medical examiner was made the subject of a Texas Rangers investigation this month, and prosecutors last week disclosed information to local defense attorneys about the credibility of Dr. Andrews. Specifically, in a trial in Austin, Andrews testimony came into question and a murder charge was dropped.
In the memo, Andrews said, “For several weeks, I have been subject to ongoing and worsening harassment and abuse by new County Commissioner Mr. Jason Corley (Precinct #2).”
“He has also spread patently false and disgusting rumors such as I have been cutting off the fingers of dead children, performing illegal research, or selling body parts,” Andrews wrote.
“Corley’s actions have resulted in the creation of a hostile workplace, one in which no physician would or could feel safe to practice medicine,” he wrote.
Andrews accused Corley of “obstruction of official power,” and “official oppression.”
Corley’s response said he never accused anyone of cutting off fingers and does not know if that happened. But Corley said he most certainly raised questions about “the improper harvesting of body tissue.”
Corley’s response also said the outside company Andrews represents, NAAG, violated its contract with Lubbock County by not following best practices defined by the National Association of Medical Examiners.
In one example, Corley wrote that in September an infant died of meningitis.
Corley wrote:
“There was no forensic justification for an autopsy on this child. There was no question as to the cause of death, which became increasingly clear upon opening her skull, but Dr. [Evan] Matshes stated, ‘We need more naturals like this for research.’ Drs. Andrews and Matshes harvested the baby’s brain, eyes, spinal cord, posterior neck, heart, and lungs. There was no consent from the next-of-kin to harvest this tissue from this infant.”
“This baby, who died of natural causes, was mutilated. How do you think her family would feel about that fact?”
Corley also wrote that his allegations are backed by people who have signed sworn affidavits.
EverythingLubbock.com has left a message for Dr. Andrews. An update will be provided if he chooses to make a statement.