Melissa Collier announced her resignation from the Lubbock ISD Board of Trustees today in a letter to fellow board members. Collier was elected to an at-large position on the board in 2010, and she was selected as president by her peers in 2016. Collier’s current term expires in May 2020.

Collier, co-owner of Collier Construction and mother of two Lubbock ISD students, said the resignation comes at a time when demands on her time as the co-owner of a growing business and a very involved parent make it more difficult to serve in a third role as an elected official.

“My own children will be making transitions into middle school and high school, and I need to balance their needs with my role as a business owner. Things are going very well in Lubbock ISD, and I think this is a good time to hand the reins to someone else,” Collier said. “I feel very good about the outstanding educational opportunities being offered to students in Lubbock ISD, and I am proud of the work done by the administration and my colleagues on the board,” she added.

Superintendent Berhl Robertson, Jr. said of Collier’s resignation, “Mrs. Collier has been an exceptional trustee, among the best board members I’ve ever worked with in 17 years as a superintendent. She is always well prepared and provides thoughtful consideration to decisions. Her background as a CPA and her collegial nature have been real assets to our district. She provided stellar leadership of our board this year,” Robertson added. “I hate to lose Melissa from the board and will miss her dearly, but I respect her decision to step aside and I know she’ll continue to be an involved parent.”

In regard to Collier’s board service, Lubbock ISD Vice President Laura Vinson said, “Melissa has been a thoughtful and caring board member and leader whose unwavering support for our students and teachers was evident in every discussion and decision. I personally will miss her presence on the Board, but know she will remain an ardent advocate for Lubbock ISD as an involved mom.” Vinson added, “I have nothing but respect and well wishes for Melissa as she devotes more time to her family and her business.”

Melissa and husband Scott Collier are active members of PTAs at Honey Elementary and Evans Middle School, have both served on the Lubbock ISD Foundation for Excellence Board and are co-owners of Collier Construction.

The Board of Trustees will appoint a successor to fill the vacancy until May 2018, when voters will select someone to fill the unexpired term. Interested applicants should direct a letter of interest and resume to the attention of Laura Vinson, Lubbock ISD Board of Trustees Vice President, 1628 19th Street, Lubbock, TX 79401, or deliver to the Superintendent’s Office at Lubbock ISD. Letters of interest and resumes must be received by 5 p.m. on June 8 to be considered.

(News release from Lubbock ISD)