The following is a news release from Texas Tech University:

The Museum of Texas Tech University is hosting Dino Day, a celebration of learning about dinosaurs.  

1-4 p.m. Saturday (May 5)

Sculpture Court of the Museum of Texas Tech, Fourth Street and Indiana Avenue. Enter the museum through the west doors.

Dino Day at the Museum of Texas Tech will give visitors a chance to handle real fossils, hear from paleontologists and participate in dinosaur-themed crafts and games. Participants also will get the chance to meet the raptor birds of the South Plains Wildlife Rehabilitation Center.

For Dino Day, there is free admission as well as free parking. The event is made possible with support from the Helen Jones Foundation.

Jill Hoffman, assistant director for visitor experience, Museum of Texas Tech University, Texas Tech University, (806) 742-2432 or

(News release from Texas Tech University)