LUBBOCK, Texas — A home that caught fire on New Years Eve is left in ruins as multiple fire crews worked through the night to extinguish the flames.

Colene Perry, a neighbor who lives next door, said she was at home when she found out.

“There was a young lady who rang the doorbell incessantly and I ran to the door to see what was going on,” said Perry. “She said she was just out here looking at Christmas lights and that the house next door was on fire.”

She said when she looked next door, the flames were already strong and she was concerned someone might be inside.

“I was afraid it would come to our house because we’re not annexed out here yet, so there’s no fire hydrants out here,” she said. “So we have to depend on the volunteer fire departments from the surrounding communities.”

Perry and another neighbor helped the fire teams fill up tanks with their water hoses.

“The good part was, if there’s any good part, was that no one was home, ” she said.