LUBBOCK, Texas — Neighbors said they are not going to be intimidated after a drive by shooting was caught on camera Wednesday night. 20 rounds were fired on 56th Street and Avenue T in the early hours of the morning, alarming residents.
“I knew it wasn’t fireworks just from the sound,” said Jack Bounds, resident for 52 years. “This is a good neighborhood and so kinda surprised it happened here out of all places.”
Lubbock Police Department believe the shooting stemmed from another shooting that took place on the 2800 block of Avenue T. Shell casings and video footage were turned over to the police who are investigating.
“People just shoot over here just to play around which is still bad, because you don’t know where they could end up,” said Nicholas Delgado, a new neighbor. “It’s so stupid, people need to be more careful.”
For more information on the shooting on the 2800 block of Avenue T can be found HERE.