LUBBOCK, Texas — A new app service has launched in Lubbock. On Friday, Gene Caballero, co-founder of the ‘GreenPal’ app, spoke to He said the app allows homeowners to connect with lawn care professionals.

“It’s the easiest way for homeowners to find, schedule and pay their lawn guy,” Caballero said.

With more than 45 states already participating, Caballero said it was time to expand to west Texas.

“Lubbock was one of those areas that had homeowner interest and also vendor interest, so we knew that Lubbock would be one of the first markets that we needed to launch in 2020,” Caballero said.

Homeowners are able to sign up for free and find a professional that will suit their needs.

“Our platform allows you know, prescreened vendors in the area to bid on your property, and all the homeowners see those bids, see the vendor rating reviews and price, and then the homeowner decides who they want to work with,” Caballero said.

For more than two years, JB Landscape and Construction have been working for folks in Lubbock. Owner, Judd Blanchard said his business has grown with it. He said he is currently not a vendor on the app, but could soon be.

“There’s a lot people moving in. We’ve got a good business market. There’s a lot of construction here and there’s a lot of housing,” Blanchard said.

He said he uses several platforms to connect with customers.

“We do a lot of it through Facebook… a lot of it, I’m local here. My family’s owned a few different businesses here for quite a while,” Blanchard said.

He said being a vendor on the app could increase their base.

“It’ll help us grow but at the same time, it’ll help once it circulates within the new app when everything comes out, everybody will be trading back and forth,” Blanchard said.

To sign up for GreenPal, visit their website.