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Operation Round Up awards $42,000 in scholarships to local students

LUBBOCK, Texas (NEWS RELEASE) – The following is a news release from South Plains Electric Cooperative, Inc.:

The Operation Round Up® board awarded 42 scholarships to local member students for the 2019-2020 school year.

Operation Round Up®, a community service program supported by the members of South Plains Electric Cooperative, awarded $42,000 in scholarships. Fourty-two member students will receive a $1,000 scholarship for the 2019-2020 school year. These students were selected on their scholastic records, school and community service activities, essay questions and financial need.

Local area scholarship recipients include:

The Employee Fund scholarship recipients are:

Members of South Plains Electric Cooperative participate in Operation Round Up®, an innovative program to provide funding for many worthy projects here in our local communities. It’s administered by a 10-member board of area leaders serving on a voluntary basis.

About South Plains Electric Cooperative
South Plains Electric Cooperative, a local Touchstone Energy® Cooperative, serves more than 55,000 connected meters in all or part of 18 counties. When you see Touchstone Energy, you know you are being served with accountability, integrity, innovation and commitment to community. For more information about South Plains Electric Cooperative, visit the Co-op’s website at www.SPEC.coop.

(News release from South Plains Electric Cooperative, Inc.)