Chelsea Anders, Owner and Founder of Lubbock Moms Blog, and Eddie McBride, President & CEO of the Lubbock Chamber of Commerce, interviewed on KLBK Bright & Early about the upcoming Active Shooter Training event.

After two previous courses that received overwhelming community support, Anders partnered with the Lubbock Chamber of Commerce, the Mayor’s Community Engagement Task Force and the Lubbock Police Department to organize the third course.

It is scheduled for Thurs., Nov. 7 from 1:30 – 4 p.m. at the Lubbock Dream Center at 1111 30th St. To attend ‘Active Shooter Training: Survival Tips and Tactics,’ RSVP on the Facebook event or contact the Lubbock Chamber at (806) 761-7000. The training is free and seating is limited.

The course will cover procedures for optimal safety, survival tips to best protect yourself and those around you from becoming greater targets, as well as educational tactics to prepare businesses and church personnel to be better equipped if such a horrible situation were to transpire.

The Citizen’s Response to an Active Shooter (CRAS) training program created by Corporal Chris Paine, has received national and international recognition. The program is designed to train the unarmed citizen with a plan of immediate action when facing a mass shooting event to increase the odds of citizen safety.

“The goal of our training is to save as many lives as possible by empowering our citizens with a plan of immediate action in the face of great danger and fear,” said Cpl. Paine. “I hope that by the end of the training our community will have restored confidence in their safety as citizens.”

Cpl. Paine is a 15-year veteran of the Lubbock Police Department, serving 12 of those years on the Lubbock Police SWAT team, and is currently a Hostage Rescue Team Leader. Cpl. Paine is assigned to the Lubbock Police Field Services Bureau and has received a Special Deputation by the United States Marshal Service in which he works full time as a Task Force Officer to the Northern District of Texas Fugitive Task Force.

Cpl. Paine has trained over 575,000 citizens with this program and has received international media attention regarding what law enforcement officials in the United States are doing to keep their citizens safe among the ever-growing number of mass shooting incidents.

“It is sad to see our nation in such a fearful state,” said Chamber President and CEO Eddie McBride. “Parents drop their kids off at school wondering if they will see them again at the end of the day. Banks, stores, concerts, airports, and events leave citizens wondering if they will become the next victim of an attack. We hope that this emotional training will expose our community to viable options for safety during an active attack, and equip the attendees with specifics in planning so that they might utilize the environment around them as a tool to their survival.”

For additional information, click on the video above.

(Press release provided by the Lubbock Chamber of Commerce.)