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Rapid COVID-19 testing now available at Wolfforth drive thru screening clinic

LUBBOCK, Texas – Rapid COVID-19 testing is now available at Covenant Medical Group’s drive-thru screening clinic at the People’s Bank Stadium Wolfforth.

Since Monday, over 200 people have been tested at the at the center, setting a record number for that location. Dr. Beth Cochran, a family physician says the clinic is much busier.

“I think part of it I think people are just becoming aware of the availability of testing,” said Cochran. “We’re also seeing some exposure so certainly people that have known exposures are coming out and getting tested and we’re seeing some just regular viral illnesses.”

Healthcare workers at the drive-thru clinic are now utilizing rapid COVID-19 tests that provide patients with results in 15 minutes.

“The benefit of that drive thru clinic is that we’re able to see everyone very quickly and they’re able to wait in their cars so they’re not getting exposed to other people that may have the virus,” said Cochran. “That way if they do test negative, they haven’t been exposed while they were waiting on the testing and the results.”

Even with the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases growing in Lubbock, Cochran says her team plans committed to the cause.

“I think for most of us, we’re just called to help people. That’s there whether there’s a virus or not,” said Cochran. “So we’re gonna get up, we’re gonna go to work, and we’re gonna take care of people.”