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Residents of neighborhood advocate against rezoning for expo center

LUBBOCK, Texas — Some residents of Hillcrest Country Club Neighborhood are opposing the rezoning vote city council made to reclassify the ground by Loop 289 and North University as an Interstate Commercial Area.

City council voted 4-3 in favor of the rezoning last month and some residents are still upset.

“We are not against the expo center center,” she said. “We want to help the kids. We want to have a dirt arena as much as anyone in Lubbock,” said Hillcrest Country Club resident Jennifer Bubany.

Bubany said her main concern is the safety of her neighbors and students at the Lubbock State Supportive Living Center. She said the expo center would present a danger.

“It presents a danger because of the traffic overload,” she said.

Paige Dominic, a resident opposing the change, said she and her neighbors did not know the center would be constructed near their homes when they voted to implement the center.

“The tax paying citizens did not vote to have the expo center to be built at the North Loop and North University because it’s not on the ballot,” she said. “Nowhere on the ballot of where this venue project is going to be, so how can we vote for it if it wasn’t even on the ballot.”

District 3 City Councilman Jeff Griffith voted in favor of the rezoning and said he believes traffic should not present a problem for residents living in the Hillcrest neighborhood because the majority of traffic will be flowing south.

“There’s always fear of the unknown and some of those neighbors I respect their opinions,” he said. “I think once TxDOT is working with the group as far as traffic flow, I think that some of those concerns of traffic would be alleviated.”