Drunk driving is 100 percent preventable and in September, Standard Sales Company will join forces with the Texas Tech Alumni Association to remind fans on game day “Make a plan. Don’t Drive Drunk.”

Standard Sales and the TTU Alumni Association plan to provide 300 discounted, and in some cases, free Lyft rides for fans 21 and older attending home games September 16 and September 30. The effort is in recognition of Global Be(er) Responsible Day. Global Be(er) Responsible Day brings brewers, distributors, community organizations, and retailers together to focus on the importance of responsible consumption, while addressing the issues of alcohol abuse and drunk driving. The day is recognized each third Friday of September.

Standard Sales will be releasing $15 Lyft promo codes on its Facebook page eligible for use for the Raiders’ last two home games in September. Consumers will need to download the Lyft app to participate. The codes will release 3 p.m., Friday, September 15 for the TTU vs Arizona State game and a new code will be issued on Friday, September 29 for the TTU vs Oklahoma State game. The codes are first come first served and riders must be 21 years or older to participate. The rides are only available for use to and from the stadium but will allow plenty of time for tailgating.

The partnership serves to highlight the need to plan ahead and designate a driver or a safe ride if adult beverages are part of your game day. While nationally drunk driving is down, Texas continues to lead the nation in drunk driving fatalities.

(News release from Standard Sales and TTU Alumni Association)