Lubbock Police on Tuesday released a report concerning the armed robbery of Burger King at 6003 19th Street.  The robbery happened Sunday evening.  

A police report said the suspect came into the Burger King and ordered a bacon cheeseburger.  He paid cash for the meal, but when the clerk opened the cash register to give him change, that’s when things went awry. 

“Give me $40 or I’ll shoot you,” the suspect told the clerk, according to the police report. 

“[The victim] asked if [the suspect] wanted all the money and [the suspect] told her ‘no,’” the police report said. 

“[The suspect] then waited approximately 2 minutes for his order to be completed,” the report said. “[The victim] handed [the suspect] his food he had ordered and then [the suspect] left through the same doors he entered in.”

A police report said the suspect had his right hand in his pocket as if he was suggesting he had a gun in his pocket. The victim said she never saw a weapon but was in fear for her life.

The suspect was described as wearing a black and white shirt with a Nike logo and the words “do it.”  His clothing included slip on sandals with long black socks.  He was also described as a black male between the age of 20 and 30 years old with short black hair.  His height was between 5’11” and 6’02”.  His weight was between 170 and 190 pounds.

Anyone with information on the robbery can call Crime Line at 806-741-1000.

Below is the text of the police report narrative.  V1 is the victim.  VAB1 is the victim associated business.  IP1 is an involved party.  S1 is the suspect.  

I was dispatched to 6003 19th street (Burger King) in reference to a robbery. V1 is an employee of VAB1. IP1 is the general manager of VAB1. Upon arrival I met with V1. V1 said that at approximately 1807 hours S1 robbed her place of employment. V1 said that S1 entered through the main doors of the business. S1 then ordered a bacon cheeseburger. S1 handed V1 $2 in cash for the meal. V1 then opened the cash register to give S1 his change. V1 said that as soon as she opened the register S1 stated “give me $40 or I’ll shoot you.” V1 asked if S1 wanted all the money and S1 told her “no”. V1 then got the listed currency and handed the money over the counter into Sts hands. S1 then waited approximately 2 minutes for his order to be completed. V1 handed S1 his food he had ordered and then S1 left through the same doors he entered in. S1 fled in an unknown direction. V1 described S1 wearing a black and white shirt with short black curly hair. V1 also said that S1 hand his right hand in his pocket as if he was suggesting he had a gun in his pocket. V1 said she never saw a weapon but was in fear for her life. V1 was not hurt and did not need EMS. 

IP1 arrived on scene and let me review the surveillance footage. V1 was able to identify S1 in the video. S1 appeared to be wearing long black socks and Nike sandals. Sts shirt was black in the front with white lettering and white in the back with black “DO IT” letters. S1 was also wearing white shorts. There appeared to be only one other group of people located in the business at this time. V1 was the only employee at the register when the crime occurred. 

IP1 said she would have to contact her boss to give us the footage on a portable device. S1 was not located. The listed evidence will be turned into the property room. 

DVR/BWC Utilized.