LUBBOCK, Texas (PRESS RELEASE) —The following is a press release from the Lubbock Independent School District:

The Lubbock Independent School District has been notified by the Texas Education Agency (TEA) that it has approved an accelerated campus excellence (ACE) turnaround program for Dunbar College Preparatory Academy. Dunbar is a middle school in the Estacado High School feeder pattern with grades 6-8.

House Bill 4205, approved by the Texas Legislature and signed into law June 10, 2019, mandated that the commissioner of education select one campus that received an unacceptable rating in the 2017-2018 school year, to submit an ACE turnaround plan. Lubbock ISD’s plan for Dunbar was selected, and that plan is currently being implemented to begin in the 2019-2020 school year.

Under the provisions of the plan, Dunbar must earn an academic accountability rating of C or higher in one of the next two school years. TEA will provide additional guidance regarding the format and content of the ACE turnaround plan by early July 2019.

Lubbock ISD is collaborating with the Lubbock Partnership Network (LPN) to implement the ACE plan at Dunbar. The plan focuses on five pillars for accelerating campus excellence:

  • Strategic staffing of effective principals and teachers, with three-year financial incentives to promote targeted and differentiated professional development.

  • Focus on instructional excellence, providing a culture of frequent observation, coaching, and feedback for educators.

  • Extended learning by adding an extra hour to the instructional day, specifically for reading and math, to promote student enrichment.  

  • Social and emotional support with an emphasis on creating and maintaining positive relationships between adults and students

  • Parent and community partnerships to provide wraparound services with community and faith-based organizations and early education programs

The notification letter from TEA is attached to this message. For more information on LPN and Dunbar College Preparatory Academy’s ACE program, contact the Lubbock ISD Communications and Community Relations Office.

(This is a press release from the Lubbock Independent School District.)