I’m assuming you meant to say “park” in the lede and not “work.” Review before you post. Please schedule for 7:30 on KAMC! Thanks!

With only five weeks before the fall semester at Texas Tech begins, thousands of students will be descending on Lubbock. And, a lot of them will need places to park. 

With construction going on where the auditorium and coliseum were, there are fewer parking places. It’s also a concern for season ticket holders for Red Raider Football. 

“The ones that are currently in use now by construction crews those will re-open [this fall],” said Stacy Stockard, media relations coordinator with TTU transportation and parking services.

Stockard said it should be stable and what everyone is used to during previous seasons and years. However, she does recommend people plan ahead, especially for game days. 

“I recommend mapping out your strategy, where you’re going to park, how to access that lot, how early you need to get there,” Stockard said. 

All driving paths, spaces and isles will be the same this fall, Stockard said. 

However, students who drive to campus have some of their own concerns.

“I think that they will take spots away, even if they say they don’t, or they won’t,” said Michael Russo, Texas Tech student. “I hope that they would add spots but I don’t think that’s the focus right now.”

For parking permit information on game days, or to purchase a permit visit: redraiderclub.com/