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Texas Tech to close campuses in response to COVID-19

LUBBOCK, Texas — Texas Tech University announced its plans to close university system campuses starting Tuesday, according to a release.

The campus closures are part of “Phase IV” of Texas Tech’s “Emergency Remote Work Status Operational Phases” set up in response to the novel coronavirus outbreak.

According to the release, “all team members [are] ‘on duty, working remotely,'” with a few exceptions.

The exceptions, as listed in the release are:

The release also said all travel and events will be canceled.

Read the full release and explanation of Phase IV by Texas Tech below.

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, I previously announced policy modifications to allow for remote work for as many Texas Tech employees as possible. As of today, we will begin transitioning into Phase IV of the Emergency Remote Work Status Operational Phases. By the close of business Thursday, March 26, I am asking all faculty and staff to work from home and limit their presence on campus with the exception of positions that are mission critical. There is no longer a need for buildings to remain open. Our main objective at this point is to have the majority of employees off campus to ensure everyone’s safety and well-being.

The Office of Human Resources has created a website intended to offer guidance and provide resources for both managers and employees. Please contact the Office of Human Resources with any employee-related questions, including assistance in determining which positions are mission critical during Phase IV, by emailing hr.talent.management@ttu.edu or by calling (806) 742-3650.

For IT-related questions, please refer to go.ttu.edu/remoteaccess or contact IT Help Central at (806) 742-4357 (HELP), online at www.askit.ttu.edu or via email at ithelpcentral@ttu.edu.

For payroll questions, please contact Payroll & Tax Services at (806) 742-3211 or webmaster.payroll@ttu.edu.

For specific questions or issues that relate to research and monitoring critical instruments and storage facilities, please contact the Office of the Vice President of Research and Innovation.

It needs to be emphasized that only critical personnel should be in offices, laboratory spaces, and studios on campus during this time, and that time on campus should be minimized.

We appreciate your patience and cooperation while we continue to work through this unique situation.

Phase IV – Closed Campuses

Intent: On-campus operations restricted to critical functions only.

Personnel Status: During closed-campus operations, all team members “on duty, working remotely,” with exception of those positions designated as essential core*.

Cancel all travel and events.

Implement a hiring review approval committee.

Conduct all operations remotely, except for minimum workforce needed and approved by the Chancellor at the TTU System Administration and President at the respective university, including:

*Essential core functions, including: