LUBBOCK, Texas — The City of Lubbock urges people to take steps to reduce the mosquito population.
The majority of the mosquitos are flood water mosquitos which do not spread disease however the warmer weather could bring an increase in the mosquito-borne diseases, according to a press release from the City of Lubbock Health Department.
The full press release is below:
With the recent rains, the City of Lubbock Health Department (COLHD) is urging people to take steps to reduce mosquito populations. The majority of mosquitoes that are currently active are flood water mosquitoes that are a nuisance and don’t spread disease. However, conditions this spring indicate that we could see an increase in mosquito-borne disease as we move into the hotter summer months. Mosquito-borne diseases are those spread by the bite of an infected mosquito and include Zika, Chikungunya and West Nile Virus.
City of Lubbock Vector Control is working to keep mosquito populations low by treating mosquito breeding sites to prevent mosquito larvae from emerging and fogging to reduce the number of adult mosquitoes. Vector control will be working throughout the weekend to treat standing water and to spray parks and other public areas.
In addition to Vector Control efforts, it is very important for the community to remove mosquito breeding sites from around their homes by dumping containers that collect water, filling in low lying areas that collect water, or by covering containers that can’t be dumped with wire mesh or a tight fitting lid. Some mosquito varieties can breed in as little as a soda cap full of water.
In addition to reducing mosquito breeding sites, individuals can take the following precautions to reduce mosquito exposure:
- Wearing an EPA registered insect repellant
- Covering up with long-sleeved shirts and long pants
- Keeping mosquitoes out of living areas by using air conditioning or intact window screens
- Limiting outdoor activities during peak mosquito times, especially dusk and dawn .
Symptoms of mosquito-borne diseases include headache, fever, muscle and joint aches, nausea and fatigue. If you are ill and suspect a mosquito-borne infection, you should contact your healthcare provider.
For more information on mosquito-borne diseases visit the CDC website here.