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TxDOT adding new traffic cameras on the north and east sections of Loop 289 starting next week

The following is a news release from TxDOT:

Work on a $721,754 Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) project to install traffic cameras on east and north Loop 289 is scheduled to begin next week. The project is part of TxDOT’s overall Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) and is expected to assist in providing real-time information to drivers, said Jeremy Dearing, P.E., Lubbock District Director of Transportation Operations.

“The DMS system allows TxDOT to communicate important road conditions and situations to the driving public throughout the area,” Dearing said. “The cameras will play a vital role in providing information to the Traffic Management Center operated by the city of Lubbock, especially during times of inclement weather or traffic incidents.”

Project contractor Florida Traffic Control Devices, Inc., of Altamonte Springs, FL, is scheduled to begin work Monday, March 25, to place new cameras at the major intersection along east and north Loop 289.

Drivers should anticipate various daily lane and ramp closures during construction. Work is scheduled to be completed in late-July and will take place weather permitting.

For more information, contact TxDOT Public Information Officer Dianah Ascencio at (806) 748-4472.

The Texas Department of Transportation is responsible for maintaining 80,000 miles of road and for supporting aviation, rail, and public transportation across the state. Through collaboration and leadership, we deliver a safe, reliable, and integrated transportation system that enables the movement of people and goods.  Find out more at TxDOT.gov. “Like” us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.

(News release from the Texas Department of Transportation in Lubbock)