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TxDOT to begin resurfacing project on East Loop 289 this week

LUBBOCK, Texas (NEWS RELEASE) – The following is a news release from TxDOT:

Motorists traveling east Loop 289 [this] week should anticipate driving lane closures as the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) begins a project to resurface the east Loop mainlanes, from the US 62/82 interchange to just north of US 84. The $13.8 million project will also make repairs to bridges and safety upgrades by replacing metal guard beam fence with concrete barrier, said Mike Wittie, P.E., TxDOT’s Lubbock Area engineer.
“Contractor Allen Butler Construction, Inc., of Lubbock, is scheduled to begin setting up the work zone this week for a project that will mill the roadway mainlanes and then resurface them with asphalt hotmix,” Wittie, said. “Work will begin on Monday, May 6, on the north-and southbound driving lanes.”

Motorists should anticipate various extended mainlane closures and a change in the speed limit-reduced by 10 mph-through the active work zones, Wittie noted. Drivers are advised to pay attention and slow down as they enter the work area for their safety and the safety of the workers.

Work will take place weather permitting. Construction is anticipated to wrap-up in June 2021.

For more information, contact TxDOT Public Information Officer Dianah Ascencio at (806) 748-4472.

(News release from the Texas Department of Transportation in Lubbock)