LUBBOCK, Texas — After the arrest of Michael Jimenez on Tuesday, an arrest warrant was made public.

Jimenez, 38, was arrested in Abilene for the murder of Cristino Ortiz in Lubbock. Ortiz was discovered dead on February 1 inside his Lakeview Apartment at 2102 38th Street.

The warrant said Jimenez and Ortiz met at the Salvation Army in Lubbock. Ortiz was later able to get an apartment with help and the warrant said he invited Jimenez to stay with him.

Ortiz put pressure on Jimenez to get a job and help pay the rent, which Jimenez did. The warrant said Jimenez missed work one day in November and Ortiz insulted him for it.

On November 12 the two found a ladder and pawned it for $80, the warrant said. They then were drinking together in the residence and Ortiz began insulting Jimenez again over not working.

(Photo provided by the Taylor County Jail)

That led to a shoving match, the warrant said, and then a fist fight. In June, investigators talked to Jimenez. He admitted he used a knife to stab Ortiz four times. But the warrant said Ortiz was stabbed 12 times.

The warrant said there were inconsistencies with Jimenez’s statement.

Jimenez admitted he wrapped up Ortiz’s body in a bed sheet and put the body under a bed.

“He then drank a few beers and watched TV,” the warrant said.

Having cleaned up the blood, he left rough 24 hour after the incident according to the warrant.

Jimenez was held Tuesday in the Taylor County jail on a $150,000 bond.