LUBBOCK, Texas — The City of Lubbock on Monday scheduled a press conference for 11:30 a.m. via Internet teleconference to provide the latest information on COVID-19 or coronavirus.

The live event is over. Use the video player above to watch a replay. App users might need to CLICK HERE for a better view of the player. (The video replay was added at 12:32 pm. It may take some time for it process and display properly.)

The Lubbock Economic Task Force Co-chairman Robert Taylor said LERT is looking for ways to have “safe” outdoor high school graduations. He said those plans are under development and there will be more to come.

As of Sunday evening, the City of Lubbock Health Department reported 553 total cases with 241 people recovered and 44 deaths. continues to track businesses that are open and making special arrangements to slow the spread of COVID-19. continues ongoing coverage of coronavirus (COVID-19) recovery efforts in Lubbock and the South Plains