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Watch, Lubbock update on COVID-19 response, Monday

LUBBOCK, Texas — The City of Lubbock Public Health Department, Public Health Authority, and Mayor Dan Pope updated the public on Monday at 3:00 p.m. concerning the city’s preparation for COVID-19, sometimes called coronavirus.

Earlier in the day, the city said, “At this time, there are no confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Lubbock.”

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The mayor said the city council would consider on Monday evening a limit of 200 people or less or public gatherings. (There will be exceptions for churches and other places.) The limitation will go into effect 24 hours after it is approved by the city council, the city manager said.

The city manager said the city’s EOC or Emergency Operations Center would activate on Tuesday.

The city manager also said on Monday afternoon, except for El Paso, there are no confirmed cases of COVID-19 in West Texas.