On Wednesday, Lamesa mayor Josh Stevens took to social media to alert residents of a water conservation emergency in the city.
The post stated that the City of Lamesa is operating at severely low water levels.
Mayor Stevens said there could be a water outage by the end of Wednesday.
A social media post on Saturday noted there was leak in the main line of the Canadian River Municipal Water Authority between Lamesa and Takoka.
At that time, the City of Lamesa activated a Stage 4 Drought Contingency Plan.
On Wednesday, residents were being asked to let bags of ice melt to create water for flushing toilets and to have bottled water on hand for consumption.
A delay of 24 hours was being anticipated for water production.
If you have any questions concerning this matter, you may contact Dionico Garza Jr. at 806-332-9036 or Shawna Burkhart at 806-200-2378.
You can view the social media posts issued on the City of Lamesa Facebook page below: